Protect your Business this Winter
12/3/2020 (Permalink)

Here Are Some Tips
Increasingly, extreme weather causes business owners in Lake Charles, LA, to think about the seasonal threat of more than one major winter storm and the heightened chances of storm damage to their operations. They worry, too, about business interruptions from power outages or snowbound streets. They're sensitive to the fact that at least 25 percent of businesses affected by a weather or other disaster close for good. They know that small businesses are especially at risk.
Savvy business people understand that careful preparation can ensure their business' viability in the face of even the most dangerous winter storm.
Prepare Your Employees
People are the DNA of your organization, no matter whether they work onsite or remotely. Like you, your employees need peace of mind in knowing that they and their families are well prepared for an extended winter emergency. Urge them to:
- Sign up for weather text alerts and weather apps.
- Keep important family documents in a safe location.
- Store an ample quantity of pantry and pet staples.
- Assemble an emergency medical supply kit.
- Create a family communications plan.
- As a family, discuss winter weather safety.
Prepare Your Business
Good planning helps ensure your operations are up and running at the earliest post-storm opportunity.
-Maintain roof, windows, foundation and exterior walls in good repair.
-Know your winter-related insurance coverage and agent's contact information.
-Ensure cold weather supplies are stocked and equipment is in good working order (snow blowers, emergency generators).
-Take steps to protect sensitive equipment.
-Slightly open water faucets to allow water to drip out from pipes vulnerable to freezing.
-Prepare a multi-contact list of employees, suppliers, clients, etc.
-Ready a contact register of your heating contractor, plumber and fire department.
-Arrange for snow removal (parking lot, driveway, sidewalk).
With major weather disruptions becoming more common, it's not if, but when a winter storm may cause a business closure or even property damage requiring professional disaster restoration services. When it comes to challenging weather, remember: Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.